Looks like Jonny has smartened himself up a bit to visit the excellent "Millhouse" restaurant in Skidby near Hull. Lucy is very interested in her individual portion of butter.
Jonny attempts to keep his composure while Pink witters on about herself.
Uncky Kev and Aunty Sue are being entertained by Lucy.
Birthday (almost) boy Grandad is having a laugh with Stewby.
Lucy is fascinated by Mummy's meal of mussels and insists that she try one. To every ones surprise she loves them. More evidence that like perennial favorites manchego and smoked salmon, Lucy is a little lady with expensive tastes. Watch out boys, she isn't going to be a cheap date!
Lucy turns round to find someone has airburshed Jonny's face. He looks almost as mahogany as Aunty Pink.
Uncle Col is enraptured by Aunty Tissy's erudite articulation
Grandma and Stewby are less enraptured.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
Tissy shows Grandma and Pink some photos. Grandma is trying to figure out where the film goes.
Lucy decides to help herself to some of Aunty Sue's dinner
Lucy realises that The Millhouse is a bit of posh so she raises her little finger
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