Friday, 3 August 2007

You're Booked

Yeah! My prodigal sister Tiss is the last member of my immediate family to travel down to see Lucy. I say prodigal. She is some sort of Vicar* thing so I suppose it is excusable that her weekends aren't normally free. (*Lay reader). She normally evangelises lives in Birmingham. So it was nice for her to see some green.

It is difficult to go to Barnes pond without bumping into Aunty Pink.

Ali, Pink, Sprock and Aunty Tiss enjoy Barnes Pond. Judging by the fact that Aunty Tiss is holding two pints of Hoegarden, can we assume that her Vicar* days are over? (*No).

Daddy has yet to graduate from the playground. In fact he hasn't bothered to apply.

Later on we move the the The Coach and Horses. Lucy displays her new gift from Aunty Tiss. Remember that Tissy is famous as the giver of Muji Rabbit? Well to give Muji's ears a rest he has been augmented by Mujiphant! Clever Aunty Tissy.

Aunty Tiss is seldom seen holding babies. This may go a long way to explaining why.

Daddy and baby. It's a beautiful thing.

In her day job Tiss doesn't just bring sinners to Christ. Saving people is just her hobby. She looks after books for a living* in a collage in Birmingham. "The UK's top rated Higher Education Collage" apparently. (*Head of Library and Learning Services).

Tiss has incredibly generously enhanced Lucy's Library with the following tomes;
My First Animal Numbers - learn to count by counting animals
First Picture Action Rhymes - learn the actions to I'm a little tea pot etc.
Smart Aunties - A some what self serving book
Just Like My Dad - Funny Lions
Say Hello to the Baby Animals - Zebras and Hippos for beginners
We love bunk beds - Shirley and Doris Elephant share a bed
Delilah Darling is in the Library - Tiss (BA. MLIB MCLIP) tries to influence Lucy's career.
Baby Bible - ha ha, Nice try.

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