Wednesday, 29 April 2009


Lucy is getting more thirsty. Rather than her previous 8oz of Milk ...

She has moved on to half a litre bottle of Evian.

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Gone Fishing

Jonathan and Lucy are going for a walk in Richmond Park.

Looks like they have found a little stream.

Presumably following their genetic lineage from Grandad Ray they find sticks and start fishing. If they had followed Daddy's genetic lineage they would have played PoohSticks.

I'll Drive

Jonathan and Lucy vie for who is going to drive Aunty Niki.

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Park with Jonathan

Weeee! Lucy comes flying down the slide.

Lucy has an Ice Pop in the middle of the (empty) swimming pool.

Lucy shows Jonathan how to steer her Bike.

Then she takes Panda for a ride.

Lucy and Grandad Ray

Lucy is meeting up with Grandad Ray as well as Aunty Niki and Jonathan. Is Bugs Bunny making a move on Lucy? Make sure that Jerome doesn't find out.

Grandad Ray points Lucy in the right direction.

Lucy gets the point!

Grandad Ray, Jonathan, Aunty Niki, Mummy and Lucy all have a bite to eat.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Lucy plants some Strawberries

Mummy has decided that Lucy will have great fun growing her own strawberries. She first uses her frog watering can to prepare the soil.

Then she uses her special trowel to dig the holes ready for the plants.

In goes the strawberries.

Make sure that all the plants are securely seated.

Then a final watering from the watering frog. Lucy Titchmarsh.

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Lucy builds a Lego tower

Lucy is out in the garden playing with her Duplo.

Hmmm. What architectural triumph should she construct?

Ah! That's a good idea. A big tower.

Phew! That is a very impressive tower!

After all her exertions Lucy needs a rest in the washing basket.

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Clever Mummy decided to create an Egg Hunt for Lucy in the back garden. She drew pictures of rabbits, chicks and eggs and hid them around the garden with Lucy friendly chocolate eggs behind them. Clutching her big rabbit Lucy set off in search of eggs. Could this chicken be a clue?

"Yey! I done it". Lucy finds her first cut out rabbit.

It's not long before her egg bag is heaving.

A very satisfied little girl starts tucking into the spoils of her adventure.

Lucy and Jerome

Lucy has gone to play with her suave Gallic chum Jerome. For some reason the little characters insisted on swapping their rides, so Jerome drives the trike whilst Lucy tries his pram.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Hobbit and Panda

Much has been made about the colosal size of Lucy's hooves.

If we check her DNA I'm sure there must be some residual Hobbit in there somewhere.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Lucy and Panda go to the Playground

Lucy takes Panda to the playground. He is fun in the train.

But he proves to be rather less capable on the see saw.

The solution is obvious. Panda and Mummy team up.

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Lucy's Second 2nd Birthday Party

The next day we have a bigger party for Lucy with loads more friends. It is brilliant to see Tom and Laura who have just had a baby boy. This was little Stan's first Party and he starts as he means to go on by downing a bottle of house white.

Ellen and Laura get a chance to have a natter while Stan has a snooze.

Si and Tom get a chance to catch up.

Dawn pops over from her penguin studies.

Grandma smiles radiantly while Holly and Lucy play in the background.

Si and Marcus keep an eye on their respective nippers.

Holly enjoyed that chocolate cake!

The kids go upstairs to watch Nana Moo and Milly racing at Mario Kart. Nana Moo was surprisingly good.

Milly dishes out stickers to folks she deems deserving.

Grandad, Pink and Milly wear masks and draw faces on plates. Grandad makes a rather pleasing Zebra.

Aunty Pink decides to teach Milly about static electricity. Doody is her experimental subject and his hair duly respects the laws of physics and stands to attention.

Bouncy Castle

The slightest bit of sun is a great excuse to get the bouncy castle out. Lucy, Milly and Holly all have a bounce while Ellen looks on.

Then Lucy shows the girls how expert she is at driving the remote control car. Jenson Sponk.

The three girls sit still for a brief second.