Friday, 31 October 2008

Reading the hard way

When I was a kid, my Dad always said "I don't care what you read as long as you do read". Wise words as it set me and my 3 sisters on the path of life long avid readership even though I started of with Asterix books and Dr Who novels. As you can see we are taking a similar line with Lucy. And I'm glad to say that she loves books and stories.

It is so nice to see her engaged. Here she has spotted a "fush".

I just don't have the heart to tell her that the book is upside down.

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Mummy and Lucy

It doesn't get much better. Having a bottle of milk and a nice cuddle from Mummy.

I should point out that Mummy had just been for a run. The track suit doesn't imply we have moved to Crawley.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Could this be a truce?

Lucy's ongoing torment of Barney the cat has been pretty well documented on this web log. The combination of Barney's nervousness and Lucy's "elephant in a china shop" demeanour had cause a little friction between the two siblings. But what is this we see? Lucy offering Barney a gentle stroke?

Barney's fight or flight impulse momentarily kicks in but then he must have detected a change in Lucy.

It looks like these two little characters could be firm friends.

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Penguin Hat

Lucy's fine penguin hat has served her very well on winter walks. She also likes to wear it when she is inside and is only wearing a vest. Taking a hint from her friend Holly she also likes to cover her vest with stickers.

And if there isn't enough room on the vest she will stick them on herself!

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Sleeping Beauty

The sleep of the innocent. As a parent this is one of the most lovely sights. More particularly it is one of the most gratifying sounds (silence!). Notice that Iggle Piggle is just a guest in the cot. The regulars are Turtle, Owl, Bear and Babbit.

Friday, 24 October 2008

The Andrex Sprog

Oh dear! Mummy had a cold and needed to blow her nose quite a bit. She accidentally left a roll of tissue within Lucy's reach and turned her back for a few moments. When she turned back the inevitable had happened. Initially Lucy looked a bit contrite when she was busted.

But she soon managed to pull her Innocent face despite the overwhelming evidence.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008


As if Lucy didn't get enough exposure to "In the Night Garden" by watching an episode before bed most nights. She also likes reading the books. Isn't that a pip! Onk Onk.

Friday, 17 October 2008

Four Eyes

As parents Ali and I are obviously always speculating on what the future is for our little treasure. Of course all options are open at this age, from astronaut to prime minister, film star to school teacher. God help us, even a Librarian. Whatever transpires, even if she is flipping burger for Wimpy we don't care a long as she is happy and healthy. But the one thing that we can predict is that like Mummy and Daddy she will need to wear glasses. So how are the options looking?

Well if she goes the route of Mummies glasses she clearly has a role as a graphic designer or perhaps something in the arts.

But if she inherits Daddy's bins she is gonna be a geek. Fingers crossed for Professor Spork :)

Wednesday, 15 October 2008


Lucy is pretty tired. She is even changing the TV channel using her foot.

It is clear from her expression that she has managed to find cbeebies.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Hide and Seek

Guess what is interesting Lucy on the window sill. To give you a clue, she was saying "Barbie" and "meow meow". No place to hide Barney.

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Mummy and Barney

Looks like Mummy running after Lucy and Barney running away from her has taken it our of them both! They share a snooze while Spoink has a nap.

Saturday, 11 October 2008

Autumn Leaves

The leaf fall in Autumn fascinates Lucy. This is by Barnes Pond.

What better game can their be then kicking up all the leaves?

Well there is always eating the bread that was meant to be for the ducks!

Friday, 10 October 2008

Ice Pop

Mummy gives Lucy an ice pop. She seems interested.

She starts of taking a tentative slurp.

Yum, yum, yum, yum. *breath*. Yum yum yum.

Wednesday, 8 October 2008


Lucy has discovered the joys of Innocent smoothies. "Juice" says Lucy

We are very impressed that she has mastered the use of the straw.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008


Lucy is standing next to the TV eating a banana.

She looks shocked that anyone could accuse her of smearing banana covered finger prints on the screen. Despite the rather obvious evidence.

"How very dare you!"

Saturday, 4 October 2008

Friday, 3 October 2008


Who would have though that Lucy's hat would fit Mummy.

Lucy can fly.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Barney's ongoing torment

Barney is getting a bit more confident around Lucy. Perhaps she hasn't spotted him having a wash behind her.

Could it be that Lucy has stopped her mission to stroke "Barbie"


Barney does his normal disappearing act when he slopes off under the TV table in the hopes that he has foiled Lucy's tormenting plans. But this time Lucy tries to reverse under the table to join him in his little den. As luck would have it, Lucy's bottom is a bit to big to get under.

Fortunately they end up playing nicely together.